Thursday, September 24, 2009


You just passed your CNM exam, what are you going to do now?

Rediscover my life!!

Yes, I passed. I over-studied--there's a surprise. Anyways, my anxiety once I clicked the "all done" button was enough to precipitate a massive MI--but I survived. You then walk out and wait for the printer to spit out a piece of paper. The paper tells you whether you passed or not. Thank GOD the first word I read was "Congratulations".

I can go out to dinner tonight and not worry about studying. I can go to sleep without a book as a pillow. I can stop stressing about what I will do if I don't pass. My bedroom can be a bedroom, not a medical library. I can exercise without thinking that I should be reading that book, taking that practice exam. I can have that champagne and not worry that I will be too tired to study after a glass. I now only have my work and family. Well, I am sitting for my NP exam, too but I was hired as a CNM--so not so much stress for that exam.

Thanks for everyone's encouragement and YES, I PASSED!!!


Doctor D said...


Anonymous said...


I'm so happy for you!!!

The Good Cook said...

YES! Congrat's to you and congrat's to all of the women who can now have a choice between OBGYN or Midwife. Way to score one for womanhood!!

Amanda said...

Yay -- congrats!!!

WarmSocks said...


Amanda said...

Congratulations!! Glad all your hard work paid off! Yay!!

The Lonely Midwife said...

Thanks!!! Had a very nice stress free day today. It was wonderful.

Midlife Midwife said...

Don't you just love those three initials...CNM. Enjoy them. You deserve it. Congratulations.